
International Symposium on Mechanobiology 2014

  • 2013/12/6 



International Symposium on Mechanobiology 2014 (ISMB 2014)
日 時:2014年5月20日(火)~23日(金)
会 場:岡山大学 Junko Fukutakeホール
会 長:成瀬 恵治(岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科)
連絡先:ISMB2014事務局 担当:高橋賢 Email: mechanosympo@gmail.com
Website: http://www.med-gakkai.org/ismb2014/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ISMB2014

After the success of "1st International Symposium on Mechanobiology" in Shanghai, we would like to announce the "2nd International Symposium on Mechanobiology" (ISMB 2014) to be held in Okayama, Japan, from May 20-23, 2014. Okayama is blessed with Korakuen, one of Japan’s three most beautiful gardens, and Seto Inland Sea, the tranquil sea with hundreds of beautiful islands.

The goal of this Symposium will be to bring precious opportunities for every participant to meet face-to-face with brilliant mechanobiologists, have fruitful discussion, and open up avenues for meaningful collaboration.

Mechanosensitive channels and proteins
Biomechanics and tissue engineering
Mechanical adaption of blood vessels
Respiratory and cardiovascular therapies and diagnosis Mechanosensation and biomechanics of gastrointestinal tract Developmental mechanobiology
Regulation of mechanical signals to osteoblast Simulation and modeling in multi-scale systems Cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and death
Stem cell mechanobiology and morphogenesis Medical application of mechanobiology Other topics of Mechanobiology which you can suggest
