JSCPB2024 Poster Presentation List

2024 年 9 月 30 日(月)〜 10月 1 日(火)

Poster NumberAuthorTitle
P1-1Masamichi Ae, Sakiko ShigaRhodopsin and clock gene expressing cells in the Bolwig organ of flesh fly, Sarcophaga similis, larvae
P1-2*Yukimasa Ikari1, Nobuo Kitada1, 4, Shojiro Maki1, 2, Tomoko Yoshikawa3, Atsushi Nakamura1, 2A luciferin analogue improves the sensitivity of mouse liver imaging
P1-3*Rintaro Nakamura, Sakiko ShigaActivity in larvae, pupae and adults of the black chafer Holotorichia parallera
P1-4*SANO Mayuna 1, YAMASHIRO Tomoki 2, YOSHIDA Masayuki 2, KIMURA Toshifumi 1An automated tracking method for observing natural behavior of medaka
P1-51 Saito Kyosuke., 2 Kishino Momoko., 3 Masahiro Ueda., 4Tachibanaki ShujiAnalysis of the effects of Neurocalcin delta on photoreceptor responses in zebrafish.
P1-6*Shuichi Kamata, Takeo Kubo, Hiroki KohnoAnalysis of the molecular basis of the mushroom body development in the honey bee
P1-7*Ryoko Sekiwa1, Shunsuke Shigaki2 ,Tatsuya Ibuki1Analyzing female source localization behavior of adult male silkmoth, Bombyx mori, in terms of odor diffusion and electroannteogram signals
P1-8*Nweke, Chinonso Peter1, Hikaru Suzuki1, Hikaru Chida1, Hiroto Ogawa2Behavioral impacts of single-cell photoablation of cercal giant interneurons on wind-elicited escape behavior of crickets
P1-9*Takumi Sugioka, Masashi Tanimoto, Shin-ichi HigashijimaBiomechanics and neural circuit mechanisms for the pitch control in zebrafish
P1-10*Miyuu Hanasato, Sakie Terada, Emi Kawano-YamashitaCharacterization of the efferent neurons projecting to the retina in the medaka
P1-11Yuta Uchida, Noriyasu AndoDepth cues for mole crickets burrowing
P1-12K. Nakajima, R. Araki, N. NagayaDetailed analysis of the walking patterns in pillbugs, Armadilidium Vulgare
P1-13*Yuya Hirano1, Takeshi Sakurai2 ,Noriyasu Ando1Development of a portable odor detection device using insect electroantennogram
P1-14*Takahide Seki1, Kazuhiro Miyanari2, Asuka Shiraishi2, Sachiko Tsuda2, Satoshi Ansai3, Hideaki Takeuchi1Development of toolkit for optogenetic manipulation and calcium imaging of medaka neural activity
P1-15Akihiro Takahara, Tomoko SakiyamaDiscontinuous Visual Stimuli May Enhance Learning in Ants
P1-16*Haruna Yamakoshi, Mihoko Horigome, Noiri Oguri, Ryoya Tanaka, Takuro Ohashi, Yuki Ishikawa, Azusa KamikouchiDopamine-mediated modulation of sound processing in fruit flies
P1-17Ryo Sakata,Tomoko SakiyamaEffects of food rearrangement on decision making in ant populations
P1-18*Honoka Morioka1,2, Yusuke Hara2, Daisuke Yamamoto2, Kosei Sato1,2Elucidating the mechanism whereby larval intake of specific fatty acids enhances adult cold tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster
P1-19*Haruki Kato1 , Namiki Shima1,2, Yoshinori Suzuki1, Jun Tomita1, Kazuhiko Kume1Enhanced sleep in Drosophila melanogaster under the presence of predators
P1-20Hitomi Sasaki1, Masayuki Yoshida1, Zu Soh2Estimation of the vertical position of the zebrafish in novel-tank test using electrical ventilation signals for evaluation of emotional states
P1-21*Miku Kato1, Kengo Namiki1, Naoki Hatashita1, Emiko Hayama2, Etsuro Ito 1Examination of medium conditions for primary cell culture of the pond snail (Lymnaea Stagnalis)
P1-22*Yusuke Kato1,2, Ayano Oi1,2, Fumiaki Obata1,2, Chisako Sakuma1,2Exploration of the amino acids metabolism after blood feeding in yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti
P1-23*Nobuhiro Takahashi1,2, Hiromu Tanimoto1, Nobuhiro Yamagata2Foregut Piezo neurons convey sugar aversion in fed Drosophila
P1-24Noiri Oguri*, Ryuya Okamoto, Azusa KamikouchiGABAergic regulations in the auditory neural circuit in D.melanogaster
P1-25Sakura Sengoku1, Akane Ohta1, 2, 3, Teruaki Taji4 ,Atsushi Kuhara1, 2, 3, 5Genes involved in heat tolerance diversity in plants are required for heat and cold tolerance in C. elegans
P1-26*Haruka Sasada, Satoshi Tamotsu, Emi Kawano-YamashitaHistological feature of the deep brain photoreceptor projecting to the retina in the lamprey
P1-27*Yusuke Notomi, Shigeto DobataHybrid top-down behavioral tracking using UMATracker and DeepLabCut
P1-281.2 *Shuntaro Hakozaki, 3 Makoto Ogata, 1 Yuta Saito, 1.4 Ryota Saito, 5 Tomohiro Suzuki, 6 Futoshi Suizu, 7 Yasutsugu Suzuki, 1 Taichi Kimura, 7 Kozo Watanabe, 1 Yoichiro SogameIdentification of α, β-trehalose as a key substance for dormancy in resting cysts of colpodid ciliates, including comparative analysis with other multicellular organisms
P1-29Chisato Yatsuda , Ei-Ichi IzawaInvolvement of the intermediate nidopallium in viscerosensory mechanism in birds
P1-30*Kota Ujibe1, Makoto Kashima2, Rintaro Shimada1, Masashige Okamoto1, Isao Kobayashi3, Seiji Wada1, Hiroki Matsuda4, Akira Sakamoto1 ,Hiromi Hirata1Knockout of wrn gene mutant in zebrafish causes premature malnutrition
P1-31*Takao Konishi1,2, Eisuke Tasaki1,3, Mamoru Takata1, Kenji Matsuura1Metabolism at a social level: king- and queen-specific degradation of uric acid contributes to reproduction in termites
P1-32Nanako Kanamura1, Akane Ohta1-3, Yuki Sato2, 3, Akira Kawanabe4, Yuichiro Fujiwara4, 5, Atsushi Kuhara1-3, 6Multi-thermosensation through multiple qualitatively different thermoreceptor in cold tolrerance of C. elegans
P1-33*Taisuke Ito1, Nobuaki Matsubara2, Midori Sakura2, Hiroto Ogawa3, Noriyasu Ando1Navigation behavior of crickets using auditory and polarization vision
P1-34Keisuke Yokota, Shunsuke ShigakiAnalyzing the behavioral modulation mechanism of an adult male silk moth caused by antennal lost
P1-35*Yuji Motegi, Noriyasu AndoNeuromuscular control of abdominal movement in hawkmoth flight
P1-36*Haruka Ando1, Hayato M Yamanouchi1, Ryoya Tanaka1, Azusa Kamikouchi1Neurotransmission pathways of ejaculation-inducing neurons’ downstream in D.melanogaster male
P1-37Yukina Mori1, Misaki Okahata1, Akihisa Fukumoto1, Toru Miura1, Yohei Minakuchi2, Atsushi Toyoda2, Akane Ohta1, Atsushi Kuhara1,3Non mitochondrial function of HADH is required for temperature acclimation of C. elegans
P1-38*Kenta Watai1, Kenichiro Sadamitsu1, Makoto Kashima2, Seiji Wada1 ,Hiromi Hirata1Parkinsonism-related gene “trpm7”-deficient zebrafish show reduced motility in free movement
P1-39Yuki Yoshikawa, Keiko Okano, Toshiyuki OkanoQuantification of dark/light preference of loach individuals by semi-automated measurements
P1-40*Atsuki Izumi*1, Masayuki Yoshida*1, Masanori Kohda*2, Shumpei Sogawa2, Satoshi Awata*2Quantitative observation of the behavioral sleep in cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus
P1-41Takuro S. Ohashi 1,2, Yifeng Y.J. Xu 1,2, Shunsuke Shigaki 3, Yukiko Nakamura 1,2, Tai-Ting Lee 1,2, YuMin M. Loh 1,2, Daniel F. Eberl 4, Matthew P. Su 1,2,5, Azusa Kamikouchi 1,2,5Sexual dimorphism in auditory representation in yellow fever mosquito brain
P1-42Tomoka Nozaki1, Hiroaki Kawashima2, Hayato M Yamanouchi1, Azusa Kamikouchi1, Ryoya Tanaka1Species differences of grouping behaviors and its neural mechanism in Drosophila
P1-43Seiya Kamino12, Haruka Motomura, 12 Atsushi Kuhara12, Akane Ohta12Starvation enhances cold tolerance of C. elegans and its artificial evolutionary analysis
P1-44Moe Yamashita1,2 Ryoma Watanabe2 Akiyoshi Hirayama4,5 Akio Kanai4,5 Tomoyoshi Soga4,5 Teruhiro Okuyama6 Takafumi Katsumura2,7 Kataaki Okubo8 Yasuo Uchida9 Satoshi Ansai1,10 Hideaki Takeuchi1,2The Brain Barrier System as a “Brain Endocrine System”: A Novel Perspective on Active Behavioral Control
P1-45Yuto Fukuta, Tomoko SakiyamaThe Effect of Pheromone Loss on Ant Trail
P1-46Munehiro Katsura1, Kohei Fujii1, Kohei Kawamura1, Kentaro Arikawa2, Atsuko Matsushita2, Michiyo Kinoshita2, Yuki Ishikawa1The neural mechanism of flower recognition by color vision of Drosophila elegans
P1-47*Hayato M Yamanouchi 1, Ryoya Tanaka 1, Azusa Kamikouchi 1The neural mechanism that regulates the ejaculation during copulation in Drosophila male
P1-48Shunsuke Yoshimitsu¹, Yoshifumi Yamawaki²The praying mantis changes the position of prey-gripping flexibly based on prey’s features.
P1-49Kenta Wada, Ei-Ichi IzawaThe role of retinal regions in visual guiding during sequential pecking of pigeons: an eyecap occlusion experiment
P1-50*Hiroaki Otsuka1, Ryosuke Miyake1, Keiko Okano1, Yasushi Imamoto2, Toshiyuki Okano1Theoretical prediction for photoreaction pathways of a putative avian magnetoreceptor cryptochrome4
P1-51*Jacqueline Png1, Jili Xi2, Sakiko Shiga1Transcriptome analysis of Protophormia terraenovae in search of photoperiod-age dependent genes involved in synaptic transmission
P1-52*Kengo Namiki 1, Miku Kato 1 , Naoki Hatashita 1, Emiko Hayama 2, Etsuro Ito 1Transfection of fluorescence-labeled plasmids into primary cultured cells of the pond snail, Lymnaea
P1-53*Kazuhiko Takemae ,Daisuke Kojima.Two types of melanopsins play differential roles in regulating background adaptation in a light-intensity-dependent manner
P1-54*Takumi Taira, Minami Suehiro, Keiko Okano, Toshiyuki OkanoUV-light induced expression of Cryptochrome6 in the isolated zebrafish eye
P1-55*Momiji Yoshikawa, Ikkyu AiharaWavy synchronization in leg movements of train millipedes revealed by automatic tracking and mathematical modeling
P2-1*Masaki Sakai, Kiyoshi Nakahori, Michinobu MinoA falling attribute in the first instar nymph of the cicada Cryptotympana facialis
P2-2Makoto Fujikawa1, Takeo Kubo1, Hiroki Kohno1Analysis of the distribution of dendrites of Kenyon cell subtypes in honey bee mushroom bodies
P2-3Michiyo KinoshitaNeural processing in the anterior optic tubercle of a swallowtail butterfly
P2-4*Ryota Numazawa¹, Hirono Ohashi², Naoya Fujimoto³, Yoichi Seki³, Shusuke Shigaki⁴, Yasuharu Takaku², Takeshi Sakurai²Behavioral and physiological responses of Orius strigicollis to different wavelength and intensity of light
P2-5*Yoichi Seki1, Tatsuki Hirakoso1, Junji Yamauchi1, Michiyo Kinoshita2Color vision of the hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus revealed by a newly developed associative visual learning assay
P2-6*Naohisa Nagaya 1, Naoki Ide 2, Yuta Nakamura 1, Yudai Yamamoto 2, Kan Nakatani 2, Takuya Oka 2, Keiko Kato 2Development of an optical encoder-based angled running wheel system for mouse locomotion analysis
P2-7*Taro Kaneko, Kenjiro YoshimuraDirectional swimming of Chlamydomonas cells showing thermotaxis
P2-8*Takayuki WatanabeDoes the doublesex gene regulate neural/behavioral sexual dimorphism in crickets?
P2-9Yukihisa MatsumotoEffects of mating restriction on lifespan and capability of memory formation
P2-10*Chisako Sakuma1, Fumiaki Obata1, 2, Hirotaka Kanuka3,4Fibrinopeptide A serves as a negative regulator of blood-feeding in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti
P2-11Yoshihiro Murata, Wakana Okami, Maho Asano, Mutsuo Taniguchi, Masahiro YamaguchiFluorescent labeling of neurons involved in olfactory memory evocation using TRAP mice
P2-12*Takashi Nagata 1, Shunki Takaramoto 1, Andrey Rozenberg 2, Oded Béjà 2, Keiichi Inoue 1Functional characterization of novel intracellularly-localizing viral rhodopsins
P2-13Shintaro Imai1, Keisuke Tanaka3, Kazuma Kishimura1, Hirono Ohashi2, Yasuharu Takaku2, Takeshi Sakurai2Identification of candidate olfactory receptor genes in the Japanese Beetle, Popillia japonica, using de novo antennal RNA-seq analysis
P2-14Nao Iida1, Keisuke Tanaka2, Hirono Ohashi1, Yasuharu Takaku1, Takeshi Sakurai1Identification of candidate olfactory receptor genes in the minute pirate bug O. strigicollis by antennal transcriptome analysis
P2-15*Masashi Tanimoto, Shin-ichi HigashijimaImaging vestibular and auditory mechanisms in otolith organs of larval zebrafish
P2-16*Seiji Wada1, Sakiko Sakata1, Mitsumasa Koyanagi2, Akihisa Terakita2, Hiromi Hirata1Investigation of phototactic behaviors in brine shrimp nauplius larvae
P2-17Kosuke Tateishi1,2, Takayuki Watanabe3, Hidehiro Watanabe2Ionotropic receptor co-receptors for odor receptions in the American cockroach
P2-18Jiarun ZHANG, Kazuhiko TAKEMAE, Daisuke KOJIMALight in rearing is critical to development of body color change ability in larval zebrafish
P2-19Ryotaro Nakamura, Chihiro Kawano, Lada Dolezalova, Hiroshi WatanabeLocalization of Neuropeptides at Different Developmental Stages and Functional Analysis of the PRXa Peptide Family in the Cnidarian Nematostella
P2-20Tatsuya Ueda* 1Yasuhiro Sugimoto2 ,Hitoshi Aonuma1Manipulation of aggressive behavior in the cricket using a small robot
P2-21Yoshinori Suzuki 1, Kazuhiko Kume 2, Minoru Saitoe 1Neuromolecular Mechanisms Responsible for Flexibility in Drosophila Motor Control
P2-22*Masashi Tabuchi, Makenzie Anne Hopkins, Dieu Linh Nguyen, Matthew Girgenti, Alicia ChePTSD-related genes mediate synaptic drive incoordination that triggers sleep disturbance
P2-23Risa Matsuda1,2, Takao Mukuda2, Kazuya Fukuda3, Sawako Hamasaki2, Toshiyuki Kaidoh2Peripheral sensory mechanisms underlying discrimination of salty water and brain locus for salt appetite in mudskipper.
P2-24Yusuke Tomina1, Yu Toyoshima2, Kazuki Mukumoto3, Hikaru Shishido3, Chentao Wen4, Manami Kanamori2, Koyo Kuze2, Yuko Murakami5, Suzu Oe5, Takeshi Ishihara6, Shuichi Onami4, Yuichi Iino2, Hideharu Mikami1Real-time volumetric neural recoding of the whole brain in naturally behaving nematode worms by high-speed light-sheet microscopy
P2-25Katsushi KagayaScaling Laws in Behavioral Initiation in Crayfish and Mantis Shrimp
P2-26*Ritsuki Wakabayashi1, Yukiko Uchikoshi2, Hirono Ohashi2, Yasuharu Takaku2, Takeshi Fujii3, Takeshi Sakurai2Screening for a pheromone degrading enzyme in the male antennae of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori
P2-27Shiori Mototake1, Yuki Sato1-2, Kohei Ohnishi1-3, Tohru Miura1-3, Akane Ohta1-3, Atsushi Kuhara1-4Screening for thermosensitive GPCR involved in heat tolerance in nematode C. elegans
P2-28Takashi HandaSingle-trial representation of behavioral task related information by decomposed ensemble activity in rat frontal cortico-striatal circuit
P2-29*Mamiko Ozaki 1,2,3 Tastuya Uebi 2Smell of human amniotic fluid
P2-30*Tomoko Oshima-Takago 1,2, Hirokazu Sakamoto 1, Yukihiro Nakamura 1,3, Shigeyuki Namiki 1, Kenzo Hirose 1, Masao Tachibana 1,2,4, Hideki Takago 1,2Spatiotemporal analysis of Ca2+ entry and Glutamate release at the retinal bipolar cell ribbon type synapses of goldfish
P2-31*Yukiko Kimura, Shin-ichi HigashijimaSpinal inhibitory neurons that control rhythmic pectoral fin movements in zebrafish
P2-32*Shogo Harada, Shin G. GotoThe extraocular circadian clock controls the locomotor activity rhythm in the terrestrial slug, Ambigolimax valentianus
P2-33Kaho Komatsu1, Yuto Shimada2, *Mikihiko Arikawa3The involvement of acetylcholine in the conjugation process in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila
P2-34Xijili1*, Yoshitaka Hamanaka2, Sakiko Shiga2The roles of corazonin in the body color of the bean bug Riptortus pedestris
P2-35Sho Yabuuchi1, Hiroaki Teranishi2, 3, Toshihiro Iseki2, 3, Natsune Takagaki2, 3, Yohei Minakuchi4, Atsushi Toyoda4, Akane Ohta1-3 , Atsushi Kuhara1-3, 5Transcription elongation factor ELONGIN regulates cold tolerance in temperature-responsive tail neurons
P2-36*Hiroki Takekata1, Wataru Taira2, Akihiro Takemura3Winter-specific nocturnal activity in the soldier crab Mictyris guinotae