Poster Session
Instructions for Speakers
The poster session consists of “1-Min talk” and “Poster Presentation & Discussion”.
P1 posters are nominated to the Award for Best Article.
1-Min TALK (2nd floor)
Sep 30th, 10:00-11:00 & 13:30-14:20
The 1-Min Talk has the goal of encouraging the attendees to visit and discuss your poster.
- All poster presentations are required to submit one slide [pdf format, 4:3 (horizontally long) size, 2 MB or less] to the local committee beforehand.
- Please make a single presentation slide for a one-minute talk. The presentation will be conducted on-site.
- When submitting, please name the file using alphanumeric characters in the format: [PosterNumber_LastName of the Presenter]. For example :P1-16_Yamakoshi
- Language: English
- How to submit it: Upload site information was announced via e-mail
Noyori Conference Hall [2nd Floor]
Sep 30th (Mon), 9:00 – 10:00 Poster Setup
Oct 1st (Tue), 14:20 – 16:00 Poster Removal
Each person has two poster presentation sessions (on the Day 1 and 2)
Day 1, AM (11:10-12:30): P1
Day 1, PM (14:30-15:30) :P2
Day 2, AM (9:00-10:00) :奇数 (Odd number) (both P1, 2)
Day 2, PM (13:20-14:20) :偶数 (Even number) (both P1, 2)
Noyori Conference Hall [1st Floor]
- Image orientation: our meeting accepts ONLY portrait size of posters [shown below].
- Please prepare your poster in English.
- You may present your posters in either English or Japanese.
- POSTER DISPLAY BOARD [size: W113 cm, H163 cm]